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15 Tips for Increase the Size of Your Sales

Why sell $10 of stuff when you can sell $20?

Or to put it another way… if you normally sell $5,000 of products a month, and you increase that amount by just 20%, you’re selling an extra $12,000 of products per year.

15 Tips for Increase the Size of Your Sales

Here are some tips to make it happen painlessly and nearly effortlessly:

1: Offer additional offers on the order form, after they start to put info on the form. By waiting to make the offer until after they’re begun the checkout process, you greatly increase the odds they won’t abandon the cart and they will take the extra offer.

2: Let them know that customers who bought product “X” also bought product “Y.” You can do this before the actual sale, during the checkout process or afterwards in an upsell or follow up.

3: Another way to word the “X” and “Y” product proposition is this: “Successful [investors] who bought “X” also bought “Y”, and as a result saw an additional [12%] increase in [profits.]

4: After the sale, send them an, “Important Alert: Because you bought “X,” you get to try “Y” at a preferential rate. Because it will do [benefits] we highly encourage you to try it immediately. And with our no excuses guarantee, we’ll take all the risk and you get all the benefits.”

5: Make a deal with another product owner to sell one of their products on the order page at a steep discount. “Special Bonus for my customers ONLY: When you order right now, you can add [Joe’s Colossal Traffic Course] that normally costs $299 for just $19 more.” You make more money and Joe gets to add to his list of buyers.

6: Add a subscription bonus into the sales package. “When you buy today, you get a [3] month free subscription to [The ABC] membership. If you like it, do nothing and you will be billed $29 a month starting in month 4.”

7: Add a subscription bonus with no auto-billing. If you have a subscription – such as software – that people love and get addicted to, you might add it as a free bonus without the auto billing. People use your free subscription, get hooked and then they have to subscribe to the paid version when their trial runs out.

8: Offer an upgrade to a premium version of your product, such as a physical copy that is mailed to them, or a deluxe version that includes tutorials, case studies, etc.

9: Marketing test bump: At the end of your offer and before the purchase, because they are a first time buyer (or whatever reason you want to use) and you want to ensure their success, you’re going to let them also have “X” product, which usually sells for [$], for only [$]. This works really well when the second product provides help in implementing the first product. For example, if your product teaches someone how to build a website, the bump could be a hosting package or a WordPress theme.

10: Add an interpersonal, interactive experience. For example, you might offer an upgrade that includes live conference calls or even live one-on-one coaching.

11: If applicable, offer continuous updates for a certain period of time for a larger price.

12: If your price is big, offer to take payments. For example, you might offer to take 5 payments of $99 instead of one payment of $447 for your course.

13: Offer templates as an upgrade. “It took me years to develop this, to learn exactly what to do, say, etc., and it’s made me [$x], but you can have it for only [$].

14: Offer a critiquing service as an upgrade. For example, if you’re teaching coding, website building, copywriting, how to create a dating profile that works, etc., then offer to critique their work for an added fee.

15: Offer advanced training in the form of teleseminars, webinars, live in person seminars, etc. And by the way, you don’t have to be an expert – you can get experts to do this for you. For example, if you’re selling someone else’s product, ask them to do a live webinar for your buyers.

BONUS Method: Presell a product you’re about to launch. If you’ve got a related product that’s coming out in the next 1-3 months, offer it at a discount to your buyers today. This method is so powerful, Jay Abraham used it to sell $2.5 million of a subscription that didn’t even go live for 6 months after he started promoting it.

Your results will vary 😉


Think Backwards to Succeed in Business

There are two ways to start a business.

Think Backwards to Succeed in Business

Method #1 is the method chosen by nearly all online marketers, and it goes like this:

You have a great idea. A terrific idea. The idea of the century.

Or just a good idea.

In any case, you think about it. You do some research. You talk to your friends and see what they think.

And then you go for it.

You execute the idea, make the product or service, and wait for people to buy.

Except that they don’t. No, it’s not your marketing – your marketing is fine.

No one is buying because you are just one more bit of noise in a very noisy world.

You’re just one more person trying to sell something.

And they don’t have time for you.

It’s nothing personal. It’s reality.

Then there is method #2:

You have a great idea. You do some research, talk to your friends and so forth.

You decide to go for it.

But you don’t start with making the product or service.

Instead you focus on finding the audience and building a list.

You build a list of a few hundred people interested in this exact thing.

Then you build your product, and you tell your list.

And your list pays attention to you.

You are no longer an interruption in their day.

They asked you to email them.

And they buy.

You can even use this list to tweak your product, validate your product, presell your product… Do you see how powerful this is?

Here are two examples of putting this method into action, courtesy of Video Fruit.

Case Study #1: 250 subscribers and a $10,000 product launch.

John buys a WordPress theme from Michael Hyatt. John realizes the theme is difficult for new users, and people could use help with it.

So John creates an email list around this theme, and then creates a course on how to use the theme.

He got 250 people who were interested in getting help with Michael’s theme, and sold $10,000 worth of the product.

From the time he thought of the idea to the time his product launch ended was 30 days.

The product itself was sold for 7 days.

Imagine if you got the same results and repeated this every month.

Case Study #2: 2,000 subscribers and a $325,000 product launch in 90 days.

Katherine wanted to create a journal that boosted productivity. So she built a list around the topic of journaling for productivity, and created and sold her journal. From start to finish it took her 90 days.

She launched on Kickstarter but used her list to jumpstart the campaign. Thanks to her list, her campaign received $40,000 in 4 days from her list, and the campaign took off from there.

She succeeded because she didn’t try to get everyone on Kickstarter to buy her product. Instead, she focused on her email list, and once she got them to buy, everything else fell into place.

Building your audience first, and then creating the product to sell to them has tremendous advantages.

Plus it’s just plain easier than building the product first, and then trying to find an audience.

Here’s what to do:

  • Choose your niche – something profitable with lots of interested people, like health and wellness or self-improvement or business.
  • Choose your sub-niche – the small niche within a niche that you can be the master of, making you the sub-niche ‘leader’ if you will.
  • Create an offer they crave – this will be your lead magnet to attract people to sign up. NOTE: Sometimes it can be as simple as an announcement list that will tell them when the solution to their problem is available.
  • Cultivate relationships with your audience. Keep your readers interested by continuing the conversation you’ve already started.
  • Cultivate real relationships with your peers, so you might gain access to their audiences later.
  • Validate your idea or offer with your subscribers, to make sure you’re on the right track. Ask for feedback and make any adjustments you see fit.
  • [Optional: Do a pilot run selling a very limited number of copies at a discount, to get feedback and further refine your product.]
  • Launch when you have enough subscribers to make it count. The actual number will depend on your topic and niche. You saw from one of the case studies above that it can be done with just 250 subscribers if the topic is narrow enough.

Does this all sound somewhat backwards to you? We’ve been conditioned to think we should make the product first and then find the customers.

But if you do it the other way around, you’ll know in advance if you’re on the right track.

And when you do launch, you’ll be making sales from Day 1, which is far better than launching, then scrambling to get traffic, and finally realizing you’ve wasted your time.

The next time you have a great idea, give this technique a shot.

There is no reason in the world why you can’t have your own $5,000-$10,000 launch in 30 days if you follow this plan.


3 Simple Tricks to Boost Sales & Income

If you have the same offer with the same amount of traffic but you double conversions, then you’ve just doubled your sales and profits, too. Here are 3 methods to do just that.

3 Simple Tricks to Boost Sales & Income

1: What’s in a Name? Everything

You pour your heart and soul into a blogpost, article – even an entire book – and nothing happens.

No one reads it. No one comments. No one shares it on social media. No one buys your book.

Yet the content is excellent, it’s well-written and it’s entertaining.

People SHOULD be reading it.

So how do you fix it?

9 times out of 10 it’s as simple as changing the title.

That’s right – relaunch with another title and see if you don’t do a whole lot better.

I know of one fellow (retired now) who spent his career finding under-appreciated books, buying the rights and retitling and re-releasing them.

He made a fortune doing this before the Internet blew up.

So go back and find your content that didn’t do as well as it should. Polish it off, do any necessary updating, and most of all give it a new title that is irresistible.

You just might have a new best seller on your hands.

2: Stop pushing your customers


“This is the greatest so-in-so ever and you will fall in LOVE with it, even though you don’t even know what the heck it is yet…”

Let’s face it – in the name of brevity and enthusiasm we tend to tell our customers what they should be doing and how they should be doing it.

We have their best interests at heart – don’t they see that?

Actually, no they don’t.

Imagine someone standing on the other side of the room from you.

They’re screaming at you that you should do what they say.

What’s your reaction?

My reaction isn’t fit to print, so I won’t.

Now imagine that same person smiles at you across the room, walks over, extends their hand and introduces themselves.

Next they start talking about this problem they have. That’s funny, it’s the same problem you have. And they sound just like you. They even have the same thoughts about the problem, the same worries and fears that you have.

How do you feel? Like you just met a kindred spirit perhaps?

They invite you to walk with them, and without even thinking, you are right there with them, side by side, going for a short walk.

By the end of the walk, they’ve shown you how they solved their problem. You’re elated. There is a solution! You ask if you can buy the solution and they graciously sell it to you.

What just happened?

Instead of feeling like someone was trying to command you to buy something, you voluntarily bought it because you wanted it.

All because they came over to where you were, talked to you in your own words and then walked with you to the solution.

That’s how truly great sales work. You don’t shout from the rooftops or across the room.

Instead, you go to where they are. You feel what they’re feeling, say what they’re thinking, and become a kindred spirit. Then you gently guide them to where you want them to go.

Use this technique in all of your sales materials and I guarantee your conversions will at least double, if not triple.

3: $40,000 a Month via Phone

Why do you suppose you see so many $10 products, and so few $10,000 products?

It seems like it would be harder to sell a $10,000 product.

But what’s easier – selling 1,000 $10 products, or just ONE $10,000 product?

Odds are, it’s going to be much easier to sell one big product than 1,000 small ones.

John Chow opted to sell the big products and it paid off big time. In just 2 years, he grew his blog from $0 in revenue to more than $40,000 per MONTH.

To do this, he worked a whopping 2 hours per day.

And he didn’t even do his own selling. Instead, he licensed a phone team to sell big ticket items for him.

If you want to sell big ticket products, I would highly suggest hiring or licensing a professional phone team. They’re going to be able to convert prospects at a much higher rate than you can through online marketing.

Offer a free product that totally ROCKS to get the prospect’s information.

Work on building that relationship and let your phone team do the rest.

And in two years? If you follow in John’s footsteps, maybe you can be making $40,000 a month as well.

These are three very different methods that all have the same end goal – to increase your conversions on everything you sell. Use them wisely and the sky is the limit!


Offer Upgrades to Your Loyal Customers

How many people sitting in coach on an airplane wish they were in first class? Odds are, most if not all of them.

Offer Upgrades to Your Loyal Customers

First class flyers get fancy lounges in the airport, preferential boarding, comfortable and roomy seats, their own special first class flight attendants, real food and drinks, blankets, pillows… just about whatever they want within reason.

The first time I flew first class, it was on a complimentary upgrade for having made me miss my connection due to an airline delay. (Those were the days when airlines thought of you as a valued customer instead of cattle.)

I was shocked at how well they treated the first class passengers, even bringing hot moist towels so we could wash our hands, free drinks, completely edible food, a soft pillow… I never wanted the flight to end.

And I was hooked, too. Who wants to go back to coach after flying first class? Not me!

Which makes me think – what if we offered our best customers a complimentary upgrade?

Think of it this way: You’ve got prospects, you’ve got customers, and then you’ve got SPECIAL customers who spend lots of money with you.

So what do you do?

You create special perks just for these customers.

For example, maybe you give them:

  • Their own member’s area full of fun and useful stuff
  • Discounts on all of your products
  • First dibs on new products – they get to buy your new stuff before anyone else
  • Discounts you’ve negotiated on other people’s products
  • Special videos you made just for them
  • Insider’s info on your niche
  • And whatever else you can think of that they would love

There are two different routes to take in creating your preferred customer program.

Either you charge customers to be a preferred customer. This might be an annual fee that gets them in the door and gives them all the perks of being a preferred customer.

Or perhaps they have to EARN preferred status through the purchases they make from you.

For example, you could require that they make a certain number of purchases or they spend a certain amount of money with you in a time frame you choose.

In the first case, anyone can become a preferred customer. In the second case, as long as they continue to make the necessary number of purchases, they get to retain their status.

So why would you bother to create a preferred customer program?

Your preferred customers feel special. They get better treatment and get fussed over and pampered, and who doesn’t like that?

Your preferred customers will become your best advocates on social media. One happy preferred customer has the power to tell many, many others.

Your preferred customers will look to YOU, first. Whether it’s to buy something, get advice or whatever, you will be the person they turn to in your niche – which is exactly what you want.

You will set yourself apart from everyone else in your niche. When you offer the premier preferred customer program everyone talks about, you become an instant authority in your niche, which helps to bring in even more customers.

Your preferred customers will sell products for you, as well as preferred memberships. Simply by doing what’s natural – bragging about the great deals and treatment they get – you will likely get new customers coming to you through social media with no extra effort on your part.

You’ll get feedback to grow bigger, better and faster – a team of your best customers who will give you feedback on how to improve your products, as well as telling you what they would like to see next.

Any way you slice it, a preferred customer program is a great thing for both your customers and your bottom line.


Case Study: How to Make $10,000 a Month GIVING AWAY a Free Course

Suppose you could give away free access to a course to anyone and everyone.

Case Study: How to Make $10,000 a Month GIVING AWAY a Free Course

And further suppose that by giving away the course, you could make $10,000 a month.

Interested? Here’s how one guy (we’ll call him Jim) is doing exactly that:

Jim created a large, comprehensive course aimed at newbies who want to start an online business.

Mind you, he didn’t create it from scratch. Rather, he took the best PLR he could find and repurposed it into a massive course that teaches people all of the main methods of online marketing, such as PPC, affiliate marketing, list building, flipping websites, Amazon, selling software, creating info products, blogging and so forth.

In the course, he includes the basics of each method and encourages his students to choose a method and get busy building their business.

Then for each method, he promotes an affiliate link for the ‘best’ in-depth course in each category.

Now pay attention to this next bit – he only promotes recurring courses. That is, membership type courses and sites that bill month after month.

So when he makes a sale, he’s going to continue to get paid on it for as long as that person remains a member.

It gets even better, because he also promotes related products such as web hosting, autoresponders and so forth. Anything that makes sense, works and bills monthly is a product he’s likely to promote.

And he doesn’t even stop there. He is also creating his own recurring courses on each topic. Once he finishes a course, he puts it online and then changes the corresponding affiliate links to his own course.

He likes to make each course a set length of time such as six to eight months, because he’s found the students tend to stay longer and pay more when there is an ‘end’ in sight.

And of course inside each of his own courses, he promotes corresponding products that help his students build their businesses faster and easier.

He does all of this by first building trust with his list, showing that he knows what he is talking about, and being the reader’s advocate and teacher.

Creating the trust is crucial, and it’s pretty darn easy, too. When you tell your readers the good and the bad of any money making method, they start to trust you. Remember, most marketing emails for online business type products are only telling the subscribers how great something is. They don’t tell what’s not so great. But he always gives his opinion, both good and bad, and because of that people love him, trust him and pretty much do whatever he says to do.

So by the time he gets around to promoting affiliate links, his readers are taking his suggestions without a second thought.

I know he’s earning at least $10,000 a month with this method, and frankly he’s not working all that hard, either. The main thing he focuses on is continuing to bring new people into his free course, knowing that eventually he will make one or more sales to many of them. And when he does, those sales will be recurring.

It’s a great business model and one that almost anyone can duplicate. Remember that your target market is newbies and folks who haven’t seen much success yet in their online business.

And you can monetize this even further if you like, by promoting special deals to your readers who have been with you long enough to trust you, as well as selling solo mailings to other marketers.

One thing – if you decide to sell solo ads, I’d advise you generally only send the ads to those subscribers who have not purchased from you. It’s a way to monetize your non-buyers, without annoying or losing any of your customers.

Now you might be wondering – how do you give away your course? The fastest way to do it without relying on other list owners is to set up a funnel in which you drive paid traffic (ie. using Facebook or Google). Ideally the funnel is self-liquidating, so that it pays for itself. And you can do this by advertising your free course, and then having a backend product that allows you to break even.

There you have it… A blueprint to earning $10,000 or more per month… So what are you gonna do with it?


The 7 Secret Principles of Hypnotic Writing

Well over a decade ago I bought and devoured an expensive course called “Hypnotic Writing” from Joe Vitale. If I remember correctly, it cost $1,000 and arrived in a heavy box with tons of CD’s and two thick manuals. And it was perhaps one of the best investments I ever made in learning not just good, but great copywriting that converts like crazy.

The 7 Secret Principles of Hypnotic Writing

This morning I was cleaning out some old files, and ran across my handwritten notes from the course. In the notes I discovered a list of “The 7 Secret Principles of Hypnotic Writing.” They still stand the test of time today, so I thought I would share them with you here.

Please keep in mind, these aren’t so much a primer as a list of clues as to what Vitale’s “Hypnotic Writing” is. But from these clues you can discern enough valuable information to almost instantly improve your own writing, whether it’s blog posts, sales letters, emails or anything else.

1: Make it Personal

Hypnotic writing speaks to YOU, the reader. You’ll find words such as you, me, I, yours, etc. All of this makes you feel like the writing is speaking to you personally. In fact, it is. The more personal, the more hypnotic.

2: Keep it Active

Hypnotic writing is active. You’ll find lots of verbs. You’ll find little passive writing. It’s the difference between saying, “The writing was hypnotic,” and saying, “Joe weaves hypnotic writing.” The first is passive, the second is active.

3: Get Emotional

Hypnotic writing taps your emotions. You may find it doing so in a story format or in a direct narrative. Either way, the writing will pull at your heart strings. One of Joe’s most famous letters began, “I was nearly in tears…” That line engaged the emotions of readers. You had to read the letter to discover what the tears were for.

4: Be Sensual

Writing hypnotically involves your senses. You’ll find descriptions of feeling, tasting, seeing, smelling and hearing. All of this will help you become involved with the writing and therefore susceptible to what it commands.

5: Be Commanding

Hypnotic writing commands the reader to do something. As the reader, you might not detect the command as it may be embedded. But there will always be one. Ask yourself, “What do I want to do after reading this?” What you do next may be a result of the hypnotic command.

6: Curiosity

Hypnotic writing plays on your curiosity. You may find it beginning a story – but not ending it until the end of the article. You may find it promising to tell you how to do something, but it will only give you limited details, thereby urging you to order the product it’s promoting to get more information.

7: Hypnotic Writing is Hidden

You won’t find any obvious clues that signal, “Warning, hypnotic writing at work.” The writing will instead be smooth and personal, and the hypnotic aspect will sneak in below conscious awareness.

Now imagine if you actually had the power to influence your prospect’s subconscious mind.

Imagine if you could do it by using simple trigger words that activate involuntary reactions in their brains.

And imagine you can do it in writing and in speech.

You might not believe you can do this. But I’m going to tell you that you can, because over time we are all subtly hypnotized to accept certain suggestions. This process started when we were babies and has never stopped.

You wouldn’t even suspect these simple words of holding any special power. But when you use them correctly, they can dramatically improve your power of persuasion.

Yes, I’ve just given you a sample of ‘hypnotic writing.’ If you re-read the previous 5 paragraphs, and if you study it very carefully, you will notice I used three little words to great effect – “Imagine, you and because.”

If all you do is begin using these three words more often in your copy, you will experience an increase in the persuasiveness of your writing.

Imagine if you could persuade anyone of anything, because when you do, you’ll hold the power to make a fortune. Try it out next time your write, and see what happens. 😉


Get More Clients with Free Consultations

If you’re an experienced online marketer, you may never have considered working with brick and mortar type businesses, but after reading this you might rethink your position.

Get More Clients with Free Consultations

First, it’s great money.

Second, it’s great money FAST.

Third, you don’t actually need to do any of the work yourself, since you can outsource everything.

The hard part? Getting clients. At least, it tends to be hard for most marketers trying to run a marketing business for offline clients.

But I’m going to show you how to get all the clients you want, using three easy techniques.

All three of the techniques center on one thing – offering a FREE 20 minute consultation about why their website isn’t getting them enough customers, and how to fix it.

Think about it – how many businesses want more customers? Nearly all of them.

How many businesses would like those customers to find them on the internet and then walk in the door, ready to buy? Nearly all of them.

And how many businesses would like someone to tell them why their website is doing such a lousy job of getting new customers, and how they can fix it?

Just about all of them.

So your offer is going to be a free 20 minute consultation on why their website isn’t getting them business and how it can be fixed. Totally free, no obligation, no nothing beyond you honestly and earnestly helping them.

There are two keys to your offer – first, it’s only 20 minutes. Most business owners are happy to find 20 minutes to have an expert look over their site and give them some helpful advice.

Second, you are going in without expectation of self-profit. Your entire motive is to help them. And when you think like this, it will show. They’ll let their guard down and have a real conversation with you.

And more often than not, they’ll also hire you to do the work for them.

The three methods you’ll use to get these appointments are:

  • Posting on Craigslist or a comparable website if you’re outside of the U.S. Of the three methods, this one tends to get the lowest response. Yet the appointments you do get – perhaps 1 to 2 per week – will very often result in a sale. However, if you scale this up and post in numerous cities, this method alone can be enough to keep you busy. You’ll just have to conduct your appointments via Skype or phone. Be sure to find ways to post that don’t conflict with Craigslist rules, since they can sometimes get a little cranky if you post the same ad in multiple cities.
  • Create cards that you leave in strategic places. First, create your cards. They could be brochures, or they can be oversized business cards. Spend plenty of time getting your wording just right. Next, scout your locations. You want to find places where business owners have down time – for example, accountants, suppliers, repair shops, computer shops, etc. Mark each card with a code so you can give a commission to the business where your new customer found your card. Done correctly, this will yield several appointments per week.
  • Email business owners directly. You can generally find their email address on their website, or you’ll find a ‘contact me’ form. Either way, let them know you’ve been studying their website. You’ve discovered 3 things they could be doing to bring in a whole lot more customers, and you’d be happy to stop by and show them what those things are.

And finally, because you go in with no expectation of self-profit, business owners will feel completely confident in recommending you to other business owners.

This will be a natural outcome of your business model, but it’s not the one to rely on. Some months you’ll get several referrals, and other months you might not get any.

So when they come, be thankful, be happy, and by all means go out of your way to show appreciation to the person who referred the new business owner to you.

Start offering free consultations, and deliver great value to everyone you meet with! Before long, you’ll have more people wanting to do business with you than you can handle by yourself. In fact, the next skill you’ll need for growing your business after implementing the action plan above is learning how to outsource or hire effectively! 😉


6 Forgotten Tips for More Sales

None of these take much time, but any one of them can add significant sales to your bottom line. Or try all six, and see your sales explode.

6 Forgotten Tips for More Sales

Your Prospects Are Afraid…

Provide your real contact information, including name, company name, snail mail address (physical is better than P.O.) and phone number.

Why? Because your prospects are afraid you are not who you say you are.

On your ‘about me’ page, provide all of this info again, along with photos of you, any employees you have and maybe even your location. Make it super easy to trust you and you’ll get more sales.

Elevate Your Prospects’ Status to Make More Sales

People want to prove they are better than others and have people look up to them. This isn’t bad, it’s just human nature. And you can use this tidbit of knowledge to make more sales, too.

Play up to this tendency to feel more important. Show prospects how buying your product will raise their status among peers, friends, family, etc. Show them how important they will become as a direct result of buying your product.

Have Your Sales Message Come from a Peer

One of the ‘secrets’ to boosting response of your sales message is to have it come from a peer of your ideal prospect.

In other words, you want your message to come from someone of the same group you are selling to.

Are you selling to women in their 40’s? Have your message come from a woman in her 40’s. Selling to investors? Have your message come from another investor, and so forth.

You can likely take any promotion you are running right now, change the message to come from the prospect’s peer, and increase your response considerably.

This technique is even more important when you are selling to someone who is highly skeptical. Nothing melts resistance faster than hearing a message from someone you perceive to be very much like yourself. Split test this and see the response – I think you’ll be shocked at the increase in sales you experience from this simple technique.

Focus on the Benefits of the Benefits

You already know how important benefits are to the selling process. Features are great, but it’s the benefits that sell. For example, that weight loss book is pretty and it has 300 pages – those are features. The benefit is the reader will lose weight if they follow the plan laid out in the book.

But what are the benefits of the benefits?

In the above example, ask yourself what are the benefits to losing weight? For example:

  • Looking better
  • Feeling better
  • Becoming more attractive
  • Living longer
  • Fitting into clothes they already own
  • More confidence
  • Turning heads and getting dates
  • And so forth.

Talking about just the main benefit – in this case, losing weight – isn’t enough. You want to dig deeper and expound on all the benefits your customer is going to get, and then paint a picture of their new life after they use your product.

Find the Story

Every product has a story buried somewhere – you just have to dig it out.

For example, look at this headline from John Carlton:

“Amazing Secret Discovered by One-Legged Golfer adds 50 Yards to Your Drives, Eliminates Hooks and Slices… And Can Slash up to 10 Strokes from Your Game Almost Overnight!”

I have zero interest in golf. None. Yet after reading this headline, I want to know about the one-legged golfer.

Now imagine if I did golf – and imagine what all the golfers who read this headline did. Yup – guaranteed, they couldn’t help but keep reading to find out about that one-legged golfer.

That’s the power of a good story.

Get More Micro-Commitments

The more a person commits to something, the less likely they will change their mind.

For example, if you can get someone to opt-in to two or more of your lists, they are more committed to staying on your lists.

And get this… they are also more likely to make purchases, too.

It’s a principle of psychology that the more a person commits to something, the more likely they are to stick with it for the long haul.

For example, someone might say they are going to start running. But all they do is say it – they don’t do anything else – and within a week they’ve forgotten all about it.

But if that same person buys new running shoes and clothes, visits running websites, subscribes to a running magazine and joins a running club, then I can almost guarantee they’re going to run.

It’s the same with your lists. If you can get subscribers to opt in to multiple lists, they become more committed to you and to the niche or topic itself.

So let’s say your niche is dogs. You might ask your new subscribers to opt in to a special course on potty training, another course on bad behavior modification, another course just on their particular breed of dog and so forth.

By getting more of these micro-commitments from your readers, you greatly increase the odds they will become your customers and even purchase from you multiple times.

Now how great is that? Apply these 6 forgotten tips, and start making more sales!


From Kmart Employee to Multi-Millionaire

Manny Khoshbin arrived in the U.S. at age 14 when his family fled civil unrest in Iran. They were penniless and lived in a station wagon for weeks before finally affording an apartment. Manny got his first job at Kmart, stocking shelves for $3.15 an hour. Fast forward to today and he’s a multi-millionaire.

From Kmart Employee to Multi-Millionaire

His advice?

  • Have BIG Goals. “Average goal-setting techniques create average results, Khoshbinn warns. He says you need to be more aggressive in charting exactly where you want to be in 1, 2, 5, 10 and 20 years. “Set goals you can 100 percent commit to each year, and then stick to them.”
  • Make a Plan. “You can’t drive from point A to B if you can’t see where you’re going,” Khoshbin says. So plan every step of the journey to achieving each one of your 1, 2, 5, 10 and 20 year goals.
  • Learn from the Best. To get to the top, you must become really good at what you do. Surround yourself with successful, like-minded people and learn everything that you can about your business. Experts aren’t born, they’re made, which means you can become an expert at whatever you choose.
  • Check in Every Week. Once a week sit down with your goal list and see if you’re on the right path. Make adjustments, decide what needs to be done and let your subconscious find the solutions and paths to achieving your goals throughout the week.
  • Be Stubborn. Too many people give up before they reach their goal. Remind yourself daily on why you are doing this in the first place. You might want to write out your big “Why” and tack it to the wall in front of your desk, to be reminded daily of why you are working hard to achieve your dreams.

One last note: If a Kmart stock boy can become a multi-millionaire… what can you accomplish?


Is Your Sales Pitch Believable?

I received a marketing email telling me how GREAT a new video making product is, because it works in conjunction with a piece of software almost everyone already has.

Is Your Sales Pitch Believable?


So I go to check it out, and guess what?

They NEVER show you what the videos you’ll be making will look like.

Not ONE single example!

Worse still, the video they use to sell the video maker is a regular talking head type of video, NOT the kind you’re supposed to be able to make with this software.

What thinking person will take this offer seriously?

It’s like someone trying to sell you their artwork without letting you SEE the artwork.

If you’re selling software, and especially video creation software, let people see what it can do, rather than just telling them.

Otherwise, who’s going to believe you?

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